Friday, 17 August 2012

Art Club

Today was the first day for our all new Art Club.  Art club runs every Friday in room 14.  At the moment it is for year 6 children. However in 5 weeks it will be the year 5's turn.  Art club is for all children who LOVE visual arts and who want to further their skills.
Today we focused on still life sketching.  Working on following the lines of an object and keeping our eye on it instead of imaging what we want it to look like.

 Artist: Mary H
Artist: Sally B

Friday, 20 July 2012

Term 3 speeches

Speech Competition 
Learning Intention

I will know and understand how to write a speech. By the end of the unit I will have worked and reworked (by using feedback given and self editing) on the structure of a speech.

Success Criteria:

Students will:
•Speak clearly so an audience can hear all that is said.
•Maintain the interest of their audience by speaking slowly and carefully, trying to use their voice effectively by varying the speed, pitch and pace of delivery and using gestures.
•Become familiar with their material and use eye contact with their audience.
•Organise their material and use eye contact with their audience.

Speeches – Content Criteria

•Introduction—does it grab your audience’s attention?
•Have you included main ideas and expanded on them?
•Is your language effective?
•Does your speech show your original thought?
•Have you sequenced your ideas logically?
•Is your conclusion—effective / satisfying / thought provoking?
•Does your speech entertain, persuade or inform the audience?

*Over the holidays the students should have been thinking about a speech topic of their choice. 

Term 3

Week 1
Once students have a topic, students need to research and gather information and check they have enough material to help them write a quality speech. 

Week 2
Introduction completed – teacher to give feedback on this.

Weeks 3 and 4
Students add content and start to work on delivery/presentation of speech.  Students hand in their body of their speech for feedback.  Students rework content to make their speech better.  If props are being used, students need to get these sorted and ready for use.

Final preparation.  Speeches to be placed on cue cards if necessary.  Students to practice in front of a mirror and in front of their family.  All students should have practiced their speech at least 10 times out loud.

Week 5
All students deliver their speech in their own class.  Students peer assess/mark using marking guide attached with the unit.

Week 6
Speech finals.  The guest judges (to be named at a later date) with 1 or 2 students from each class to judge the finals.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

A Shape to Contain the Feeling

This term we have been learning about New Zealand artist Gretchen Albrecht. Nature is her inspiration and her work is abstract. She splits up parts of nature and puts them together again in different ways. She uses colour to carry emotional meaning in her work.
Room 8 used several of her paintings (Garden and Rose) as inspiration for their work. They mixed their own colours so their work was different.