Monday, 17 May 2010

Room 15's Pencil Sketches

Check out our completed pencil sketches! We have spend a long time on these pieces trying to perfect our tones and shades. We needed to remember to draw what we saw not what we think we saw.

What do you think?

Monday, 10 May 2010

Pencil Portraits in Room 14

We had a great time today working on our pencil portraits. They are coming out really well. We have been focussing on tone and line.
Keep a watch out on our blogs for the finished product.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Abstract Art - Verbs and Adverbs

In writing, Room 10 have been learning about VERBS and ADVERBS and how they can make our writing more interesting.

So, we created an ABSTRACT ARTWORK by flicking, hurling, throwing, dribbling, dripping paint (VERBS - what we did).  Some kids did this carefully, others did it ruthlessly, violently, artistically, slowly or quickly (ADVERBS - how we did it).